Welcome to you (and all others) who have been attracted to our site by the review in the October 07 Old Time Herald. Thanks to Toni Williams for her kind words. Also Thanks to Steve Terrill for his nice layout on the ad.
We are now collaborating with Steve who is carrying our two CDs of old-time country duets in his on-line music store business called old 97 wrecords. He makes things easy so that a purchase is a simple click away using Pay Pal. Products are packaged sent to your door in a timely fashion.
In our display in the store you can see the front covers and a list of exactly what songs we have on each. Check out the various CD's of others available as well.
Of course if anybody prefers other 'old-time' forms of payment like cash or check then just scroll down to the bottom of this page for our address and prices. However, old 97 wrecords will accept those forms as well.
As far as digital downloads, I am working on having these available through CD Baby but we are not quite ready. Songs can be heard there and also purchased as part of each collection in the current CD form.
Thanks for any and all support you give to keeping the old songs and tunes alive.